I have been stuck on the droidbox.co.uk screen all day. I have removed both the USB, SD Card and the network cable. Turned off the box. Matchstick in the av button. pressed and felt microswitch clicked and held. powered down and left for 2 seconds to 5 mins. Still stuck in the start up screen.
I purchased it three weeks back 271604349402 eBay.
I have a laptop and SD Card if you need it.
I have done the XBMC update in the last week.
Any suggestions?
I have been stuck on the droidbox.co.uk screen all day. I have removed both the USB, SD Card and the network cable. Turned off the box. Matchstick in the av button. pressed and felt microswitch clicked and held. powered down and left for 2 seconds to 5 mins. Still stuck in the start up screen.
I purchased it three weeks back 271604349402 eBay.
I have a laptop and SD Card if you need it.
I have done the XBMC update in the last week.
Any suggestions?