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David Savage
David Savage
Yes think it's time you updated to kodi 16.1 or DBMC 16.3.0. 1st you need to check storage in setting (2 cogs) and other and more setting and storage.
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David Savage
David Savage
If it's nearly full you best doing a factory reset, to do this you need to power off your box and then push and hold the restore button in. It's by the USB ports.
David Savage
David Savage
Now power on still holding and wait for the recovery menu to pop up, now click on factory reset. Wait for this to finish and then leave alone for 15 mins so it installs all your apps.
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David Savage
David Savage
Now go to the OTA updater app and check you are up todate with this. If you need to update you can now. Then after this you should have DBMC 16.3.0 if not you can install this for the droidbox Market app. These are found in the 6 dots on the main boot page.
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David Savage
David Savage
After this you can now go and rerun the wookie wizard here's a link for the latest and I recommend running Sean's build in community builds part...good luck
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