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    [OPENSOURCE] AMlogic Tools [4.0.0][REPACK TO .IMG]

    New Amlogic tools from xda devevoper Ricky Divjakovski, Cannot post direct link to download the tools developer has requested but here is link to youtube video on using his open source...
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    Forum Spammers

    I have noticed quite a few Spammers on this forum, I am a moderator myself on another forum can admin or mods not limit new members from posting external links untill they have made a certain amout of posts. And by that I mean usefull posts not just ones to post count up so they can post links...
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    Kodi Backup on Android box

    Hi There trying to backup my kodi setup on new T95Z Plus box using usb-sdcard wizard i can restore backup from laptop to t95z plus using usb-sdcard wizard but try what may it comes up with error saying read log file when i check kodi log python errors, also it has path of where I made backup to...