
New Member
Sep 30, 2015
Hello Droidbox/forum users

im having with my droidbox T8.

This morning it locked up when trying to play a film so i kept clicking all the buttons in a rage, then it seemed to catch up ending up in a reboot, when it came back the SPMC software was empty, so it was like it was reset.

I then went on to find out why my box has been so unreliable, I found out it was prealpha kodi software 13.4, which was obviously not good enough.. I then did a factory reset on the box via the recovery menu and downloaded the 15.1 and 15.0 upgraded kodi apks from your website.

I attempted to use the usual 13.4 SPMC after the factory reset and it wouldnt work, it just looped back to the main menu, SPMC was inaccessible.

I placed both files on a pen drive and used 'apkinstaller' to first install 15.1 and then after 15.0, both of which did not have the wizard update within the usual video addons place, so at the moment I cant do anything now as the old version 13.4 is completely shot and both new versions do not have any wizard update within them.

Please help me


Active Member
Aug 10, 2015
or you can just download the wookie spmc which will have the wizard on board already, just my 2 cents but i still prefer kodi 14.2 over the 15, not sure but it just feels more stable to me


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
If you downloaded kodi from the droidbox web site you should find the wookie wizard under the programs menu not video addons so it should be there.

Before reinstalling I would do some cleaning up. Certainly uninstall the 13.4 version via - android settings - apps.

Maybe consider uninstalling 15.0 + 15.1 if both co-exist.

For the reinstall you don't need to use a pen drive. Simply use the downloaded version from the droidbox website. If you cannot find the wookie wizard then use the link provided by sean.

Let us know how you get on. Lesson for next time dont get in a rage!