
New Member
Jan 31, 2015
Hi All,
I have a strange situation in that I cannot understand how a re-install of the latest firmware doesn't clear the problem or else indicate the T8 box is bricked!

After reading that we should close our boxes down each night in order to keep them functioning correctly I turned my power off for the first time in a long while. When I turned it back on the next night it booted up as usual but then a page I'd never seen before showing the day and date and a dial pad loaded, then it cycled through several other pages for Miracast, DLNA and a couple of others. No matter what I tried I was unable to get out of these pages, they just kept cycling through! I tried to solve the situation using the reset button and did this dozens of times to no avail. I left the box disconnected overnight and tried to reset it again the next day but despite my many attempts I couldn't escape those pages!

Eventually I decided to re-format my SD card and do a fresh firmware download which I was pretty certain would fix the situation. However, despite having re-formatted the SD card before adding the latest firmware I found after start-up that I was in the same position, I don't understand how this can be, surely if I cleared the card and added new firmware surely it should have cleared those pages and the situation and allowed me get back to using my box as before! Does anybody understand what is happening here and perhaps have a solution to fix it for me? Everything happens as normal regarding start up until the Day/Date/Dial Pad shows and then I'm stuck in this constant cycle of pages!



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I guess the first thing to say is that there hasnt been a new firmware for the t8 for a long long time. Certainly nothing available on sd card, unless it was a pre july 2015 purchased box, when an sd card was needed to set up ota updating (boxes purchased after that date had ota updating installed). What updates have you applied in the past and how?


New Member
Jan 31, 2015
Nigelar, Thanks for quick response.

Yes I have, I added IPVanish but couldn't get it to work properly. I looked at that thread you highlighted but trouble is I can't get to my apps to remove the info I added! Any Ideas!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Its a bit beyond me i'm afraid. It sounds like your power down and reboot has kicked something in the vpn install into life. Did you set up a password for the vpn when you initially set it up?


New Member
Jan 31, 2015
Hi All,
Thanks for the responses and suggestions. I did manage to solve this problem and it was indeed a password/code issue. I spent a good few hours over several nights trying to get beyond these pages to no avail. I tried using the password for the VPN I'd used but was unable to enter it as the dialpad wouldn't allow letters to be added so this left me at a loss.

Just as a long shot I started adding codes that I use for other applications, suddenly the page disappeared and I was where I wanted to be and I again had full access to my box.

It was pure luck on my part that I added the right combination of numbers as I had forgotten that while I was trying to get the IPVanish to work with my box, one attempt required me to use a 4 digit number, this didn't work and at that point I said screw it and I was finished with IPVanish!

It was a few days later that I found I was locked out and it had slipped my mind about the four digit code, until a friend came round and reminded me that we had tried that step to get IPVanish to work!

So here's the skinny, if this happens to you remember that you had entered a four numbered code!
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