
New Member
Apr 21, 2015
I have had my Droidbox imx6 [I'm pretty sure its that model but it doesn't say it on the unit - it says nothing only droidbox] for about 6 months but last weekend it started playing up [running slow and struggling to find feeds] so I did a factory reset. Following some instructions found on the net I downloaded the new firmware to a sd card and reloaded it. So far so good but mbox loads up without XBMC.

So my simple question is have I missed something or is there a next step to load it onto the droidbox? Here's hoping that it has a simple answer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
If the new firmware did not have a version of kodi (was xbmc) included, it may have been wiped.

All is not lost though.

First of all kodi may be there but not on your home screen. Click the apps button to see if it is on the apps screen.

If not, use whatever file manager you have installed to search for .apk files and see if kodi turns up. If so, reinstall.

If you dont find anything, look in the droidbox blog on the main db web page and download kodi from there. You'll also get the wookie wizard to set up your addons as part of the download.