Ron Coggins

New Member
Dec 26, 2015
Hello all,

My new DroidBox boots perfectly well and connects to wifi fine. Kodi opens fine and repositories such as Fusion and Wookie Wizard are present. However, after installing Wookie Wizard and locating it in programs, I am made to explore the file rather than running it as suggested in many tutorials, I am met with a completely different set of files. In addition, I am told that Genesis has been installed, allowing me to proceed to the page where I pick what Genre of film I want or if I want a blockbuster or what not. However, clicking on one of these options produces no result. Is it not downloading any of the film options? Also, after giving up trying to set it up last night, we decided to use the Box's Amazon Prime function, logging into a perfectly valid account and upon pressing play a loading screen would appear and we would loop back to the original play screen. SpeedTest shows that it is receiving a connection but at this moment I am stumped

Any help on the matter would be much appreciated.

I currently have a DroidBox T8-S connecting to the router through Ethernet running at 13mb/s.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
If genesis is installed it suggests the wookie has done its stuff. Genesis is not being maintained at the momentvso a lot of links are down. Can you try alternatives like phoenix and navi x? Report back here.